Traveling between Cambodia and Vietnam has become easier. Today you travel by bus from Phanom Phen City in Cambodia to Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. There are direct buses between the two countries.
You can choose from bus companies operating on this route. These include Khainam Transport, Long Phoung, Kumho Samco Bus, and Virak Buntham. The cheapest fares start from $25 by Long Phuong ( Last update price 2023). You can check the last price update in booking online.
Phnom Penh To Ho Chi-Minh Bus Information
From | Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
To | Ho Chi-Minh, Vietnam |
Distance | 229 km |
Travel Time | 6 hours |
Lowest Price | 25 USD |
First Departure Time | 06:30 AM |
Last Departure Time | 03:30 PM |
Companies | Kumho Samco Bus, Khainam Transport, Virak Buntham, Long Phoung |
Vehicle Type | Seating Bus, Vip Van, Minivan, Hotel Bus, Sleeping Bus |
Plan your trip from Phnom Penh To Ho Chi Minh. and book tickets online.